Mark and I were talking the other day about how logic seems to have disappeared from the American vocabulary and culture.
We agreed that it would be too vast a project to restore logic to the national school curriculum. An easier project might be to refresh our knowledge of the 10 to 20 major fallacies. In this way we would be able to see how we are tempted by fallacies in 8 out of 10 TV commercials and 93.5% of daily utterances by American politicians.
We find a good one in today’s NBC news from Fallacy Master Dick Cheney commenting on the report on CIA’s use of “Enhanced Interrogation”:
“Asked about the charge that the program did not work, Cheney said: “The report’s full of crap. Excuse me. I said ‘hooey’ yesterday. Let me use the real word.”
Using Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged architect of the Sept. 11 attack, as an example, the former vice president said: “What are we supposed to do, kiss him on both cheeks and say, ‘Please, please tell us what you know?’ Of course not. We did exactly what needed to be done.”
The Senate report said that Mohammed was waterboarded almost 200 times. United Nations officials have classified waterboarding as torture. Cheney told Fox News that torture “was something that we very carefully avoided.”
“The report’s full of crap.”
Why does this fallacy work so well that Dick Cheney and other male politicians use it so often?
“The report’s full of crap.”
Bold, strong, tough, manly, macho. Not wimpy, soft, fuzzy, intellectual or logical. Now we don’t need to read the report because we know it is just full of what? Crap. How do we know: Dick Cheney said so.
So here’s the string of fallacious logic in today’s selection:
- How do we know? Because Dick says so!
- Is Dick an authority? Yes. Why?
- Because he speaks boldly, toughly, loudly, macho-ly.
- Is that enough to be a believable authority? Yes, according to current American standards of logic.
- So, is the report “crap”?
- Dick Cheney will have to define the word “crap” more precisely before we can know for sure.
This fallacy is generally called the argument from authority.
If we study the brief quote above we can find at least a few other fallacies: false analogy, fake definition. unproved premisses etc. But that’s about enough Cheney to digest for today.
“Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.” Matthew 6:34